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Community Data files update 2023-02-16

Started by Fox Lee, February 16, 2023, 01:15:15 AM

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I downloaded your recent update.  A few bugs have popped up:

#1 - I installed the download.  Hero Lab keeps telling me that the update is available for download and install.  I've installed it three times with no changes.

#2 - I have also tried to load the 4e module and get the following error message:

"The data files could not be loaded due to the following errors:

File:tags,1st (line935) – Tag Group – Duplicate record encountered ('FCFchoic')
File:tags,1st (line952) – Tag Group – Duplicate record encountered ('SchlrThm')"

I followed the download/install directions from your post.  I've doubled checked and removed the files indicated in your post.

Appreciate any help/input on the above issues.


Fox Lee

Quote from: beast013 on March 09, 2023, 10:50:03 AMI downloaded your recent update.  A few bugs have popped up:

#1 - I installed the download.  Hero Lab keeps telling me that the update is available for download and install.  I've installed it three times with no changes.
I've observed this too since the hotfix. I'm not sure what happened—it seems like the version system didn't like it for some reason—but I'm hoping the next update might fix it.

Quote#2 - I have also tried to load the 4e module and get the following error message:

"The data files could not be loaded due to the following errors:

File:tags,1st (line935) – Tag Group – Duplicate record encountered ('FCFchoic')
File:tags,1st (line952) – Tag Group – Duplicate record encountered ('SchlrThm')"

I followed the download/install directions from your post.  I've doubled checked and removed the files indicated in your post.

Appreciate any help/input on the above issues.

This one I is new to me. Can I get you to back up and delete your entire 4e data folder, then try the patch again?


I erased the 4e directory, ran the install clean, and got the same error messages.  Does the update change/update any files in another location?


Today at 05:14:42 PM
Quote from: beast013 on Today at 10:50:03 AM
I downloaded your recent update.  A few bugs have popped up:

#1 - I installed the download.  Hero Lab keeps telling me that the update is available for download and install.  I've installed it three times with no changes.
I've observed this too since the hotfix. I'm not sure what happened—it seems like the version system didn't like it for some reason—but I'm hoping the next update might fix it.

#2 - I have also tried to load the 4e module and get the following error message:

"The data files could not be loaded due to the following errors:

File:tags,1st (line935) – Tag Group – Duplicate record encountered ('FCFchoic')
File:tags,1st (line952) – Tag Group – Duplicate record encountered ('SchlrThm')"

I followed the download/install directions from your post.  I've doubled checked and removed the files indicated in your post.

Appreciate any help/input on the above issues.

This one I is new to me. Can I get you to back up and delete your entire 4e data folder, then try the patch again?


I figured out a way to by-pass the two file tag issues above - I'll call that solved for now.

However I have a new issue - the updated software does not allow/show for Permanent Adjustments on the Personal screen.  If I load a portfolio file, the selection/display for adjustments does not work.  If I pull up my old version of the code from my test environment, the feature works/displays with the same portfolio.

Fox Lee

My apologies, I didn't get a notification for your reply for some reason. I'm glad you found a workaround. Could you let me know what it is, since it might help me make a permanent fix?

I've just uploaded a new version which should fix the update loop and some other issues. (Sorry, you will have to help it out by deleting some files again.)

Could the adjustments issue be caused by still having a thing_adjustments.user file? If you had it backed up with other user files, it may be conflicting with thing_adjustments.dat


The workaround I did involved me performing your update, then running the package update Daphne did from 2020, erasing the .user files from that package and my initial issue went away.

I did a backup of my current 4e data directory, erased all data from my production 4e directory, ran the new update patch via Hero Labs, and all issues are now resolved. 

I appreciate you getting back to me and your time in doing these updates.


Hey hey, I'm actually having this same issue. Also I'm mildly computer illiterate , is there anyway someone could provided a step by step on how to fix the duplicate records issue? It wont even let me open 4e. 

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