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Items, Feats and Magic Armour calculations not working

Started by nixxrite, March 25, 2019, 06:36:24 AM

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Came back to Hero Lab over the weekend having been away using DDI for a few years. Went in to update some of the current characters and I'm seeing issues with some items, the defence feats not calculating or the Essentials magic armour updates. E.G.

Iron Will still shows as +1 despite the character level being 22.
Epic Will is not adding to the Will defence at all

19th lvl plate armour grants +8 but should be +11 due to the level of the armour.

Belt of Vigor 22nd lvl only giving +1 to HS value

Am I missing recent updates? I did check the feat downloads and noticed some changes but the spacing in Epic will caused me some problems.



Oddly, +4 Chainmail calculates correctly but +4 plate doesn't.

Iron Will only calculates at +1 for 22nd level characters and Epic Will does nothing. I've updated to the 2016 bug fix update but still have issues.


If you can find Dracusmage's fix that will deal with the "Masterwork" armor issue (admittedly not in the most transparent fashion, but it does the job).

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