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Missing Fighter?

Started by Paragon, January 05, 2016, 09:59:38 AM

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Thought it might be useful to post this over here, too, in addition to the HL child board:

I was just testing this out yesterday and discovered that apparently the whole Fighter class is missing.  This is kind of odd given the hybrid Fighter is there.


Never mind; I'm not familiar with the post-Essentials split-out so I didn't know to look for the Weaponmaster.


I would like to point out to wizards how stupid that was... but of course they brought the fighter back with 5e.

That said, I've toyed with relabelling them back to what they used to be occasionally


Same thing threw me off with the cleric/templar business at first, but by then I knew to look at Essentials and see what the relabeling was.

Fox Lee

Quote from: Cryptoknight on May 06, 2016, 11:10:54 AM
I would like to point out to wizards how stupid that was... but of course they brought the fighter back with 5e.

That said, I've toyed with relabelling them back to what they used to be occasionally
I'd do it. Those silly renames cause way more trouble than they're worth. If they were consistent it'd be another story, but instead it's just a crapshoot.

Sean Abel

When you search and if you only type fight then you get weaponmaster in the list (if you type fighter you get only hybrid fighter and sorcerer [not sure why])
Wherever you go that's where you are!

Sean Abel

Not sure why my attachment didnt save but here it is again
+ Attachments and other options
Wherever you go that's where you are!


When you search the list it only searches against the actual name and the description, but not the "Class Name" field (the part that shows up in the parentheses and dark grey). Since the description of Weaponmaster only has "fighting" (and many other things that aren't relevant in it, fight makes it show up, but fighter doesn't.

It wouldn't be at all hard to update all of the classes that got renamed with a line at the end that says "This class was originally named <whatever>." which then would make them show up when searching for the class name.

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