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Messages - Cryptoknight

I'd look at Eldritch Blast and see how it lets you choose CHA or CON and do the same thing for Eldritch Strike.
Actually, look at the way I fixed the Templar (Cleric) to allow for Battle Cleric's Lore vs Healer's Lore

It's the same sort of fix for Melee/non melee warlock, and something I've been meaning to get to (time just never is there) to change the way the warlock works.
That should show up in the download from the updates I've pushed up.

Shouldn't need the patches here unless you're looking to manage your own codebase... just take the last update I pushed up for HL4e and it should come down.
Herolab 4e Bugs / Re: skill power feat
November 13, 2014, 09:35:28 PM
The trick is to come up with a tag expression for a selection box that will list the skill powers available to the character, and then boostrap it in when it's selected.
Herolab 4e Bugs / Re: Armor at Paragon and above
November 13, 2014, 09:31:22 PM
So wait... on this one... only magic armor gets this inherent bonus?  Not mundane?

i.e. if I was level 8 wearing scale I don't get this unless it's Scale +2?
I'm giving it a try here

at least I think that's the link you'd need
Herolab 4e Bugs / Re: Armor at Paragon and above
November 05, 2014, 04:38:28 PM
I've heard that before... but I can't find it in the errata..

I no longer have a compendium account to log into... which makes it hard to look up.
Herolab 4e Bugs / Re: Theme bug
November 05, 2014, 04:29:33 PM
Hmmm the level requirements are in there.  which makes me wonder if something is wrong with the themes add-on we package from Daphne
Herolab 4e Bugs / Re: skill power feat
November 05, 2014, 04:25:19 PM
I've never used that feat... so probably not.

That said... I think I have a way to solve it... just need to find the time to make more enhancements. 
General Discussion / Re: Is DDI Downloader Still Required
November 05, 2014, 04:21:36 PM
We provide the data now... with all the bug fixes that we presently have.
General Discussion / First Release!
September 20, 2014, 10:49:54 PM
I've put up my compiled 4e ruleset with help from SAbel, DracusMage, MagicSN, and Daphne Pfister.

At this point the bug fixes are way too many for me to elaborate on.  But needless to say I've incorporated everything (I think).

Add   to your Herolab sources list and restart HL.  You should then get to download the 4e Ruleset.

I would seriously SERIOUSLY stress renaming your exising 4e ruleset directory before this download as it will likely cause issues with overridden files you may have downloaded from here already.
Missing Classes / Re: Berserker (Barbarian)
September 20, 2014, 09:55:39 PM
Thanks so much for your work on this!

I've included it in the release I'm trying to get together :)

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