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Our Unofficial Update for Hero Lab 4e

Started by Charlie, April 20, 2021, 06:22:56 PM

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This is basically a re-post of my topic on the Hero Lab forums, since they have been so flaky lately.

After nearly five years, we came to the end of our last D&D 4e campaign. Since those of us using Hero Lab already had the Authoring Kit for Savage Worlds, we used Hero Lab for our 4e characters. Over the years, we've done a fair amount of work on the 4e files. We didn't expect any more "official" updates, and we were doing these for ourselves not really expecting our work to be used outside our own group; that means that rather than doing things in discrete files to be added to the downloaded system files like we would have for Pathfinder or Savage Worlds we actually edited our copy of the game files. Nonetheless, there's been some outside interest in our work, so I've put a copy of our modified files up for download for anyone who wants to use or just examine them. Sorry that I don't have a proper fix list, but it was never a proper project. ;)

Because it's a modification of the official files, you have to have the official files installed first, and copy our files over the initial ones.

Here's the procedure:
1) Download the Zip archive here.
2) Open the Hero Lab 4e Game System Data Folder. The default location in Windows is C:\ProgramData\Hero Lab\data\4e but in any case you can get to it from within the Hero Lab for 4e menu at Tools > Explore Folders > Game System Data Folders
3) With Hero Lab closed, unzip the archive to the Game System Data Folder, overwriting any duplicate files.
4) Now when you open Hero Lab 4e, you should be using our files.

Do realize that although we fixed a ton of bugs, there are undoubtedly many more that we never ran across. Please don't send us bug reports; we're done with 4e. If anyone wants to use our files as the basis of their own efforts, more power to you.

Sean Abel

Sad to hear that your 4E campaign has ended, I am just starting a new one in May of 2021 with brand new to the system players.
I had always wished we could have completed the Data set for 4e to run as "clean" as the CBI worked.

I am currently looking at a clean way to run online D&D 4e for a larger group of people that are spread out.

Good luck to everyone that plays!
Wherever you go that's where you are!


We have  4e game going and Im starting to modify the data files for our house rules and looking to clean up some things.  I'm new to working on this. My background is more around C and Java but starting to understand more as i reverse engineer the data files

An example problem - we have a hybrid monk - psion and it always gives a warning about not enough encounter powers since it has no psi ones...  I looked into core and see where i could add the conditional logic  but don't know what variable / how to extract it's value for the the psi hybrid class...

Is there any reference documentation? a list of variables? 

Also are there a specific list of annoying issues?

Is there a preferred way to create / isolate changes I make to share them?  I don't know how productive I'll be but if I'm goign to be able to help the campaign  I'm in will happily share

All the best,

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