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Please read this and weigh in - Issue/Source/Document Version Control System

Started by dracusmage, February 04, 2017, 07:23:04 PM

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I know, I saw that. I'm going to look at GitHub again, but I'm pretty sure I rejected them before for a reason.

I'm probably going to just bite the bullet and go with a project or document manager to make it easier for everyone to edit, even if it makes it less convenient from the management side.


Just checking in (I've had a busy month, so not much time to get this fixed).

I previously shunned GitHub because they were being so sneaky about making me sign up before giving me specifics about their system, and the last thing I need is another dozen abandoned accounts across the internet.

I'm leaning more toward a DMS rather than a repository just because the more I work on this, the less I want to gate patches behind specific software and arcane programmer rituals. A DMS would allow normal people to upload the normal files to submit patches. I settled on Codeplex because it did most of what I though was most important, but at this point I want it better than that - last thing I want to do is convince people to start using another system only to have to do it again if I find something better.

I'll keep everyone informed on my progress as it goes. I'm installing a few DMS options on my server to test them, and I may share links to see what people think when I get it narrowed down.


Good to hear from you!

We've done more work on our files, including a lot of work implementing the Zeitgeist Player's Guide as an additional source. Since CodePlex is still up for now, do you want me to upload just the newer files, or do a new package of all the files we've worked on?


Appreciate it's been a while but found this thread and it appears this is the source for newer bug fixes. i followed the link to Codeplex but it went quiet there.  Is there an update on where the latest updates can be found?


"Officially" the last update within Hero Lab is the latest one available. Apparently Real Life caught up with Dracusmage shortly after he set up the Codeplex site and I haven't heard anything from him since.

The last time that it came up it looked like there was still a couple of people adding things to the 4e files, but there's no one who has taken over full responsibility for them.

Our group is still fixing things we hit when they majorly impact our ongoing campaign but we are limited in time and expertise, and I only think to check this site every once in a long while (as opposed to the 4e subforum on the main Hero Lab board).

If you want the latest set of patch files our group is using, they have been posted to the Hero Lab board at http://forums.wolflair.com/showpost.php?p=260645&postcount=7


Thanks for that Charlie.

I did do a fix for the half-orc feat Thirst for Battle some time back but our group swapped GM's and so we stopped using hero lab and started using DDI.

If I come across anything, I'll be sure to post it.

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